Wearing many hats with one purpose…Service!

I was told by a new acquaintance that I could not possibly Executive Produce (Events/Projects/Festivals etc. ) and practice as a Traditional Healer.  I have to choose.  Really?  I agreed with him and I said I choose to engage in both!  My goal the last several years has been to integrate the two things I most love doing, all based in service.    When recently, revising and updating my CV, I was keenly aware of my dynamic and extensive amount of experience.  I started planning Events/Openings/Festivals or ‘spectacle’  when I was 19 and yes I am feeling a moment coming on, but more on that later.  When you are good at something, whatever ‘art’ you create using your tools, it is a very humbling path.  

My Traditional Healing work began like most other practitioners, as a student.  My mother was killed, leaving big hole where logic and Western Medicine once thrived.  So I began to unwind my pain and learn about love.  When not engaged in creating spectacle, I developed set of skills and tools as a master Metaphysician and Traditional Healer .  This blog has been a witness to both.  I’m including a short video a close friend shot for his class and it turns out despite my resistance to ‘out myself’ for me.  Thank you again Arjan!

So, I ask you fellow traveller, what hats do you wear well?  Can you choose a favorite one and if not why?  Both of my hats bring an immense amount satisfaction, have taken years to develop and are completely unique.  Generating unconditional love or munay brings out the most dynamic parts of our selves, and for me it is sharing this gift with my brothers and sisters, or client’s to the best of my ability that is my creation. What brings you satisfaction and makes you dynamically different?

Perhaps we can all aspire to create our passions and enjoy being present to them?  I have always believed that my life had to be as authentic as possible, as true to my beliefs and values moment to moment.  For me, being a part of what brings me and others happiness is the most satisfying occupation I could create, other than being a chef (I adore cooking!).  So, if you are living in Los Angeles and are interested in having an in person consultation, please follow the link below and check my schedule.  For all of my distance clients, please use the link here and check on my availability http://bit.ly/advmd

Given the shift in our desires and goals this time of year, I realized that we all need of a little extra support. So, the Love Goddess is in! I am blessed and grateful to share the power of transformation and change in my life and the lives of others.  Don’t be shy…ask a question or if you would like to schedule an appointment @ my inbox here http://on.fb.me/cmcsite.  More to come on this journey…


Rev. Micaela

Rev. Micaela Córdoba
Conscious Media Communities (C.M.C.)
Executive Producer/Marketing/Events
aka The Muse of Kwan

The Client must always be happy but, how about the Consultant?

Part II-

So, when I initially wrote this Rule 1 I was totally real about my perspective and my opinion…but I left one important factor out…the happiness of the Consultant! Often called in to complete miracles in an abbreviated and or new project, the challenge is actually never getting the work done, but being prevented from getting your work done.  It is a wonderful experience to have the work and the knowledge of well, time and experience; but personality, and resources are what makes the Consultant’s job possible.

Tip: Definitely communicate with your team, and your vendors on a regular basis so they are familiar with you, your work ethic and style of conducting business.  Frequently, without a safety net you are responsible for completing, and engaging in a high level of conversation and commitment and this must be met with integrity. All we have is our word in this life, so when people know your word, and how you handle your projects, when a problem arises, it can just be that, a problem and not reasoned as your issue.

Also, check in with yourself.  Are your needs being met to complete the project?  When you are you starting, stopping, being paid for wrapping-up?  Be sure to get the  necessary information, supporting documents, and calendar.  There is nothing worse than attempting to run, and support a Social Media Campaign and you have not been brought current on the Who, What, Where, When Why and How?  Take the time to air and ask  for a  time-out, to express what is in need of shifting in order for you to fulfill your role, in the project.

Tip: Create an overall intake sheet for running acute projects. Implement your favorite techniques, color, games, contests, etc to gain support, interest and fun in your work/professional mode. Utilize the format that works best for you as well.

Finally, this is a fly by the seat of your pants business, but just cause everyone else is jumping does that mean that you have to?  Invest in yourself, listening to your inner voice, and instinct on when it looks wrong, feels wrong and is too hard; Occam’s Razor, the thing that is the most obvious is usually the answer.  Following your internal pole is what will keep you on course and without issue when the time, resources and responsibility all come to a grinding halt.

I was just reminded of how tenuous this life and work can be.  It is never a guarantee that all will end smoothly but what is guaranteed is your ability as a consultant, as a steward of service, to rise to the challenge, as it is and surpass it!  You are resource that must be the eye of the storm.  Go forth and be the all-seeing eye, keeping your head, your thoughts and your mouth focused on creating a Win-Win scenario in every discussion.

I remain on the path of the “Corporate Mystic” & trust in my ability and possibility to always get the job done. Blessings to my fellow Mystics & entrepreneurs and please take a look at my earlier positing from 4.30.10!

Part 1: (April 30th Posting)

I recall when I began working with clients, it was my sophomore year of college. I got a job during my Work-Study as a Personal Assistant, to the Director of the Alcohol and Drug Awareness Project, on campus. It was such a relief, I admit, as being on Work-Study, you were responsible to find a place that would fit you and your schedule every year! What a feat, as you are dealing with the personalities of campus offices, administration, bureaucracy and so many hoops to jump, I had no idea how wet my feet were getting with experience. My enjoyment was in seeing and knowing that every day, no matter how crazy class was with my reading or assignments, that I could carve out 4 hours a day, and manifest completion out of chaos.

My supervisor was the best opportunity that a young, and entrepreneurial woman like myself could have asked for. She was not savvy about computers, or email or using the phone system. This lack of technological know-how, put me in a position of learning how to break down a procedure to use a program step-by-step, what needed to be noted, and ignored, and most importantly how to allow my supervisor to be more efficient and have more time for her patients.

It was a sad day when I left, after being in service to the ADAP office through my 3 years of my college career, an allegedly rare scenario in Work-Study. I had amassed so much knowledge, nuances in conduct on a confidential level, as all the patients were my fellow peers on campus. In addition to putting the entire office, online, and systematizing all of her patient files, and personal files, I also managed to learn what it was to work with a client. My supervisor had to choose to hire me back every single year, and she was challenging to work with as she had no want to step into utilizing technology, a tool that we know now is a part of making an office, a project or a person work with discipline.

It is always my goal to work with a client until they are totally satisfied. This means that you create a clear and direct line of communication, responsibility and goals, as both of us need to know what we’re getting into. When you have this primary and vital rule followed, the client’s happiness above all else, the process will be effortless and easy. If you enjoy what you do, like I enjoy being of service and starting with a great idea, and working it through till the champagne is being poured. So, think about your goals, be real with your client, and please from the perspective of a Professional Consultant, we can’t read minds…at least not all of us can, so honesty is the best policy, with your Vendor/Consultant.

Good luck out there and Happy Planning…


La regla # 11-Maya Indie Film Series, (MIFS) cómo entablar una nueva audiencia

Aurora está cumpliendo una pena de prisión por un robo ido mal. Sus cómplices, Ana, su hermana, la Gloria y la Paloma, son cuatro mujeres para quienes la vida no ha sido fácil. Para Ana, sobre todo, una prostituta con un ansia de dinero, aceptando la propuesta de matrimonio de Félix, un traficante de drogas de México peligrosas y potente, no es un-brainer. Ella se mueve con él a México y perdura el maltrato físico y emocional, todo esto mientras complotar para tomar una mordida a relaciones de negocio altamente lucrativo de Félix. Con el tramo de Aurora en la cárcel, llegando a su fin y con Gloria y Paloma ya en México, Ana tiene finalmente la tripulación que ella necesita para golpear al Félix y su pandilla. Un doble asalto: dinero y venganza. Juntos las cuatro mujeres están listas para su huelga suerte!

Fui a ver esta película en esta semana, mientras que la increíble serie de cine de Indie de Maya visitó NYC, y tengo que decir que es la mejor película que he visto durante todo el año. Yo soy una película de pulir, por lo que cuando ofreció la oportunidad de apoyar el proyecto de la serie de cine independiente de Maya a través de mi negocio, PR de medios de comunicación social, marketing y construir un ‘buzz’ he acogido con agrado la oportunidad. No fue ninguna sorpresa para mí ver del calibre de talento en los proyectos y las películas que se proyectó en esta serie de 2010. Yo estaba también en la facilidad, cuando escuché los nombres Jimmy Smits, Martin Sheen, Ray Liotta, Ana de La Reguera, sólo por nombrar algunos de los actores implicados en esta poderosa serie mostrando el trabajo de los cineastas latinos y independiente cuenta cuentos,   corazon de la desde el corazón.

Por supuesto, me gustaría première mi experiencia visual con el famoso estilo de cineastas españoles. Fiel a Mis experiencias con el auteur de mi tiempo, Almodóvar, Rodruquez y ahora Agustín Díaz Yanes. Además de ser intenso y lleno de giros y vueltas, la historia toma su tiempo. A diferencia de muchos de nuestros modelos tradicionales de Hollywood de la creatividad visual, “Solo Quiero Caminar” da a la audiencia una oportunidad para llegar a saber que nos estamos viendo, y por qué están tomando medidas en sus vidas sin una gota en el paso. Además, para nunca ser aburrido, o confundido, no duele que el nunca talentoso Diego Luna tiene un rendimiento de la tour-de-force al siguiente nivel con su humildad y su humor. Siempre no disfrutando Sr. Luna y haber tenido el favorito “Y tu mamá también” en mi lista desde hace años, fue ninguna sorpresa para ver que esta película golpeó la serie después de haber sido un exitoso lanzamiento en 2008 en su nativo Madrid de España.

Como la mayoría escritor/del director, el Sr. Yanes permite a sus personajes a empujar, perforar y cavar su camino a través de algunos del diálogo juiciest y trazado de movimiento rápido se convierte como he visto en años. Fue esa una delicia para obtener un paseo y no tienen ni idea donde iba a finales. Sin embargo, sabía de que estaba siendo conducido por algunos de las sassiest y ardiente Latina que he visto en la pantalla en los Estados. Hemos visto su homenaje a la mujer fuerte en su vida en su turno anterior con la Sra. Penélope Cruz (para todos los estadounidenses niños de cultura pop está felizmente casada colegas el Sr. español Javier Bardem, Felicidades!!!!) En “Don ‘T tentar me”, como el Sr. Cruz poderoso en su papel, la Sra. Ariadna Gil no está tomando ningún preso, literalmente. A diferencia de la mayoría de protagonista femenina de papeles en el cine americano, hay algo poderosamente vulnerables y frágiles acerca de esta mujer. Es difícil de ver, si no busca, casi imposible, si sólo están buscando a ser la cabeza de su ‘hemanas de sange’ hermanas de sangre. Ella es práctico, inmediata y el carácter más multidimensional que he visto escrito para la pantalla en años…. y ver un montón de películas extranjeras y flops.

A la de su pareja en la delincuencia, felicidades!!!! Victoria Abril, Pilar López de Ayala, Elena Anaya y José María Yazpik por ser la villian mezquino con una entrega hermosa que he visto. En mi mente el crimen del siglo, si las personas no exigen desde su almacén de vídeo para una copia, (Blockbuster estará lanzando esta película, así como del resto esta serie, sí niños en un Blockbuster cerca este otoño) justo a tiempo para que usted reciba su propia copia. El rastro de sangre, palabras y lágrimas terminó, y no quería obtener acribilladas… y habiendo invitó a uno de mis amigos muy buenos para retirar la proyección conmigo, continuamos charlar bien después de la película sobre cuán grande fue a ver una película de acción realista. Mi buen amigo JJ dijo que “fue realmente sorprendente ver a las mujeres en una película de acción y ser fuerte & vulnerable al mismo tiempo. Quiero decir estaban siendo over-powered pero perseveró porque estaban en una misión.” Yo diría que todos los aficionados a la acción, como yo, que saltar a la oportunidad de ver la sal y Bourne de nuestro tiempo, chicos y chicas tanto obtendrá una patada real de la pistola más chulos que jamás he visto en la pantalla y no puedo decir más, porque la vas estropear.

Va a estar dando usted algunas más jugosos comentarios de la tierra de la pantalla donde Latino y de Latina son patear a tope y tomando nombres. El mundo de la serie de cine independiente de Maya ha descendido a Chicago, con Ryan Heil liderando el amor Latino de LIVEstyle Entertainment, la ciudad que tiene la mejor pizza que he tenido, lo siento de Nueva York, pero estoy real con mi comida ahora! A todo el mundo que ha ofrecido su apoyo y amor a esta serie, todos estamos agradecidos. Viva La Raza!!!!

Planificación de la feliz y See you en el próximo examen!

Maya Indie Film Series-


Sólo un poco remolque para todos vosotros preguntando lo que estoy tan emocionado!

Rule #11- Maya Indie Film Series, (MIFS) how to engage a new audience

Aurora is serving a prison sentence for a robbery gone wrong. Her accomplices, Ana, her sister, Gloria and Paloma, are four women for whom life has not been easy. For Ana especially, a prostitute with a lust for money, accepting the marriage proposal of Felix, a dangerous and powerful Mexican drug trafficker, is a no-brainer. She moves with him to Mexico and endures both physical and emotional abuse, all while plotting to take a bite out Felix’s highly lucrative business dealings. With Aurora’s stretch in prison coming to an end, and with Gloria and Paloma already in Mexico, Ana finally has the crew she needs to hit back at Felix and his gang. A double-assault: money and revenge. Together the four women are ready for their lucky strike!

I went to see this film this week while the amazing Maya Indie Film Series visited NYC, and I have to say it is the best film I’ve seen all year. I’m a film buff, so when offered the opportunity to support the project the Maya Indie Film Series through my business, Social Media PR, Marketing and building a ‘buzz’ I welcomed the chance. It was no surprise to me to see the caliber of talent in the projects and the films being screened in this series 2010. I was also at ease, when I heard the names Jimmy Smits, Martin Sheen, Ray Liotta, Ana de La Reguera just to name a few of the actors involved in this powerful series showcasing the work of Latino filmmakers, and independent story-telling, de la corazon from the heart.

Of course, I would première my visual experience with the famous style of Spanish filmmakers. True to my experiences with the auteur’s of my time, Almodovar, Rodruquez and now Agustin Diaz Yanes. In addition to being intense and full of twists and turns, the story takes it’s time. Unlike a lot of our traditional Hollywood models of visual creativity, “Solo Quiero Caminar” gives the audience an opportunity to get to know who we are watching, and why they are taking action in their lives without a drop in step. In addition, to never being bored, or confused, it does not hurt that the ever talented Diego Luna takes a tour-de-force performance to the next level with his humility and humor. Always enjoying Mr. Luna, and having had the favorite “Y Tu Mama Tambien” in my list for years, it was no surprise to see this film hit the series after being a successful release in 2008 in his native Madrid Spain.

Like most writer/director’s, Mr. Yanes allows his characters to push, punch and dig their way through some of the juiciest dialogue and fast-moving plot turns as I’ve seen in years. It was such a treat to get on a ride and have no idea where it was going to end up. However, I did know that I was being led by some of the sassiest, and fiery Latina’s that I’ve seen on-screen in the states. We have seen his homage to the strong women in his life in his earlier turn with Ms. Penelope Cruz (for all us Pop-Culture kids she is happily married to fellow Spaniard Mr. Javier Bardem, Felicidades!!) In “Don’t Tempt Me”, like the powerful Mr. Cruz in her role, Ms. Ariadna Gil is taking no prisoners, literally. Unlike most female protagonist roles in the american cinema, there is something powerfully vulnerable and fragile about this woman. It is hard to see, if you’re not looking, almost impossible if you are just looking at her being the head of her ‘hemanas de sange’ blood sisters. She is no-nonsense, immediate and the most multi-dimensional character I’ve seen written for the screen in years….and I see a lot of foreign films and flops.

To her partner’s in crime, KUDOS!! Victoria Abril, Pilar López de Ayala, Elena Anaya, and José María Yazpik for being the meanest villian with a beautiful delivery I’ve ever seen. In my mind the crime of the century if people don’t demand from their video store for a copy, (Blockbuster will be releasing this film as well as all the other’s in this series, yes kids at a Blockbuster near you this fall) just in time for you to get your very own copy. The trail of blood, words and tears ended, and I did not want to get up…and having invited one of my very good friends to check out the screening with me, we continued to chat well after the movie about how great it was to see a realistic action movie. My good friend JJ said “It was really amazing to see women in an action film, and being strong & vulnerable at the same time. I mean they were being over-powered but they persevered because they were on a mission.” I would say that all the action buffs, like me who jump at the chance to see the Salt’s, and Bourne’s of our time, both guys and girls alike will get a real kick out of the coolest gun I have ever seen on-screen, and I can’t say anymore, because I’ll spoil it.

I will be giving you some more juicy comments from the land of the screen where Latino’s and Latina’s are kicking butt and taking names. The world of the Maya Indie Film Series has descended upon Chicago, with Ryan Heil leading the Latino love from LIVEstyle Entertainment, the city that has the BEST pizza I’ve ever had, sorry Nueva York, but I’m real with my food now! To everyone who has offered their support and love to this series, we all appreciate it. Viva La Raza!!

Happy Planning, and See you at the next screening!

Maya Indie Film Series-


Just a little trailer for you all wondering what I’m so excited about!